Website Terms of Use

Legal relationship and general warnings

1.1.      Effectiveness. These Terms of Use of the Website have been effective since 1. 1. 2024.

1.2.      The website. For the purposes of this document our website means a set of web pages forming together our website operated at and all sub-pages, including all subdomains.

1.3.      Sections with restricted access. For the purposes of this document sections with restricted access mean any page or a group of pages within the website which are subject to specific rules for access to them, such as charging or the need for registration on the website. Which page falls within a restricted section is indicated at the appropriate location on our website.

1.4.      The service. For the purposes of this document the service means an information society service which is used by browsing website and whose provider is a company inodo s.r.o., based in Vlárská 953/22, 62700 Brno, ID number 02025299, recorded in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, File No. 109827, Tax Identification No. CZ02025299 (for the purposes of this document referred to as "we" or equivalent terms). By usage of service a legal relationship arises between us and the recipient of service (for the purposes of this document referred to as "you" or equivalent terms).

1.5.      The web content. For the purposes of this document the web content which is provided by us within the scope of the service means all data you receive from us at your request entered via a web browser, in particular texts or images but also source codes of pages.

1.6.      The scope of the service. No minimum scope is guaranteed within the providing of the service. The service may be temporarily or permanently unavailable, wholly or in part. Its user interface, appearance and functionality may change or may be removed, based on our discretion which is not subject to a need for prior notification.

1.7.      The price for the service. We provide the service free of charge. You pay for the technical equipment, software and connectivity to this service. Sections with limited access within our website are not free of charge.

1.8.      Reservation of changes in terms. These Terms of Use of the Website may be changed and updated. Before you start using the web content, it is your responsibility to become familiar with the current version of the Terms of Use of the Website.

1.9.      General restrictions. It is prohibited to use any means to undermine or circumvent security measures related to this service or other services of ours, and other Internet-related services and sites or computer networks.

1.10.    Exclusion of liability. To the extent permitted by the applicable legislation, you agree that we will not be liable for any damage that you may incur in connection with this service, and you also agree with the agreed limitation of compensation for any such damage amounting to 0 CZK.


2.1.      Exclusion of license. If the web content is wholly or in part a copyrighted work, and if not stated otherwise for individual components of the web content, we do not grant you a license to the web content and without our permission it cannot be used outside the legal limitations and exceptions.

2.2.      The database rights. You are not authorized to extract or otherwise use our databases. In addition, you undertake to refrain from similar conduct in relation to such databases of ours that do not enjoy protection under the Copyright Act.

2.3.      Links. If you link to any websites, you agree with the obligation not to provide third parties with such a link that bypasses our security or the means to control the distribution of content, such as references only available in sections with limited access or to registered users. In any case, we also reserve the option to change the structure and content of the website and/or introduce new or modify existing tools for content control, which may result in a malfunction of your previously acquired content. You agree that in such a case you are not entitled to recover any damages.

User Account

3.1.      The definition. User Account means a record in our database and the data associated with it; it is determined by the login name and the password used to authenticate. The user account can be associated with personal data; if the user account is made by a legal person these personal data identify a natural person acting for the respective legal person.

3.2.      Using a user account. Some parts of the service may be linked to access to a user account. In such a case, it is necessary to make registration of the user account that is linked to the registration terms stated below.

3.3.      The terms of the user account registration. By registering, you agree to the following terms:

3.3.1.  Registration will made on the basis of your request sent via a web form available on the website if it contains all the required information and you agree to these terms of registration.

3.3.2.  One e-mail address may only be used for one user account.

3.3.3.  The provider reserves the right to refuse registration.

3.3.4.  The user account is used, among others, for communication and dealing with us. It is your responsibility to ensure that your user account can only be accessed by you or a person authorized by you. The actions of such a person within the user account are considered to be actions on behalf of you.

3.3.5.  Within the system maintenance we may cancel inactive user accounts and cancel or merge duplicate ones.

3.3.6.  In the event of a breach of your obligations under this document, we have the right to terminate or restrict our providing of the service, for instance by blocking or deleting your user account, or preventing you from access to our website.

Responsibility for content

4.1.      Checking your content. Your activities within the service are never subject to a survey, approval or moderation from our part and we do not verify their compliance with the law. However, we reserve the right to carry out different types of content check, either prior to or after the publication, and on the basis of that to filter the content or block it entirely (for example, delaying spam or defamatory comments or disabling a recognized illegal content).

4.2.      Files saving. As part of this service we allow you to upload and save files in a storage operated by us (hereinafter "uploaded content"). You acknowledge that within this service we do not guarantee that the uploaded content will remain unchanged or available. In particular, you acknowledge that we are not liable for any damage that you may incur in connection with the loss or damage of the uploaded content.

4.3.      Rights of third parties and legal obligations in connection with saving files. By uploading a content through this service of ours, you confirm that you have a sufficient legal capacity to act in such a way, in particular that the uploaded content is not subject to legal protection, or that you are the author and executor of property rights to the uploaded content to an adequate extent. At the same time you acknowledge that if we learn that a certain content was improperly transmitted or uploaded through this service of ours, we have the right to delete or block it without notice and we are obliged to co-operate with the authorities investigating possible illegal activities, which may include a disclosure of the saved traffic and location data concerning you.

4.4.      Other kinds of content saving and processing. Within this service, we also allow:

4.4.1.  the option to add public comments,

4.4.2.  the option to discuss in the forum.

Regarding the above mentioned, the arrangements of "control of your content," "saving files" and "third party rights and legal obligations in connection with storing files" will be applied similarly, "uploaded content" being considered an appropriate option from the previous list. An illegal content may occur, for example, in the case of sharing copyrighted texts, defamatory statements about other persons or unauthorized offering of goods or services protected by trademark law.